M3 & M4 elective scheduling info & change deadline dates 24-25AY
M4 rotations can be scheduled in either 2 week or 4 week rotations. This includes: away rotations scheduled through VSLO or Clinician Nexus, independent studies, home rotations or electives. The Registrar’s Office will work with you to ensure registration fits into the UCF COM block dates.
M3 electives are only scheduled in 4 week blocks.
Schedule requests will not be considered after the 6 week deadline date except in extenuating circumstances (such as the cancellation by the site of a previously planned for elective).
See below for the block dates and schedule change deadlines for each block for the M4 Class of 2025 & M3 Class of 2026 (2024-2025 academic year).

M3 Class of 2026 block 12 deadline for the 2024-2025 AY:
- Block 12 (M3 only) dates: 4/28/2025-5/23/2025
- Schedule change deadline: March 17, 2025
Elective Course Directory
The Elective Course Directory contains information for M3 & M4 home electives such as course titles, numbers, availability, duration, location, credit type, requirements and first day reporting information. Course titles listed in this directory correspond with the Course Descriptions document (linked in next section).
This directory will be updated throughout the year as information and course availability change. Always note the latest date at the top of the sheet. New course offerings will also be added through the year. Please ensure you use the link on this page for the most current information.
Elective Course Descriptions
The document below contains the descriptions of each elective course offered that can be scheduled through the UCF COM Registrar. Corresponding course details will be found in the Elective Course Directory.
Elective COURSE DESCRIPTIONS (November 2024)
Past Student Feedback on Rotations
Student feedback for M4 rotations can be found in the Student Lounge.
M4 Graduation Requirements
M4 students must complete the below requirements in order to graduate and are responsible for tracking your progress of requirements met:
- Must complete 32 weeks of coursework
- Must have at least 16 weeks of HOME rotations
- May have up to 16 weeks of AWAY rotation
- Two of your 4 week rotations must be:
- 1 Acting Internship & 1 Emergency Med or Critical Care (one of each)
- Your AI and EM/CC rotations can be HOME or AWAY
- You may do more, but at least one of each is required for all M4 students
- 1 Acting Internship & 1 Emergency Med or Critical Care (one of each)
- Additional coursework must meet the following:
- No more than 16 weeks in ONE specialty
- MUST take 4 weeks of CLINICAL courses in the spring
- MAX of 12 weeks of NON-CLINICAL
- MAX of 8 weeks of RESEARCH (counts towards the 12 weeks non-clinical coursework)
- Up to 12 weeks OFF time
Acting Internship Requirement
All M4 students must complete at least one acting internship (a.k.a. AI, sub-Internship, sub-I) in the M4 year. If you plan to complete your AI credit through an away rotation, the rotation must meet the following requirements & definition:
- AI credit will not be given to rotations explicitly referred to as “elective” or “advanced elective” in program provided descriptions.
- AI credit must be pre-approved through a petition, will not be retroactively granted and will also not be granted based on faculty stating you were doing AI level work.
- The rotation must be considered an AI by the hosting institution in which the rotation description should reference “AI, sub-I or intern level of responsibility.”
Per the M-4 Rotation Requirements Policy (6.5.1):
“An acting internship (AI) is an intensive inpatient (to include the emergency room) experience where learners have primary responsibility for patient care and a direct reporting relationship to faculty, fellows, or upper level residents. Reporting to interns is not considered an appropriate level of supervision for an AI. Primary responsibility for patient care includes; primary evaluation of patients, primary responsibility for writing patient notes and orders, providing an initial management plan, and assisting with the implementation and coordination of management plans to include performing procedures as appropriate.”
To read the full policy, click here.
Petitions for Independent Study: Clinical Rotations – HOME or AWAY
If you are completing a clinical rotation supervised by a UCF faculty member that is not offered as an existing elective, or for ALL Away rotations you must complete and submit the form below. Your rotation will be registered on Oasis as either MDE 8900 (home) or MDX 8011 (away). Prior approval is required.
DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE THE Clinical Rotation Form
Petitions for Research – Home or Away
If you are completing research at home or at an an away institution you must complete and submit the form below. Your rotation will be registered on Oasis as either MDR 8900 (home) or MDX 8900 (away). Prior approval is required.
DOWNLOAD & COMPLETE THE Research Rotation Form
Petitions for International Electives
If you are completing an independent study as an international elective you must complete and submit the form below. Your rotation will be registered on Oasis as MDE 8072. Prior approval is required. Please visit the Before you Travel page for Global Health for additional information about international elective requirements & steps.
COMING SOON petition for international electives
Sample course Description
Course descriptions for clinical rotations must be provided with the completed petition form. Please see below for an example document of what must be submitted with your petition.
Important Scheduling Information
- All scheduling and changes must be facilitated by or reported to the COM Registrar at mdclinicalscheduling@ucf.edu.
- You should never reach out to a faculty member or the clinical site directly to schedule a rotation that is listed in the course directory. Even in the event a faculty member tells you that you can take their elective, you must still schedule through the Registrar’s office. Faculty may not be aware of site credentialing requirements for rotations or scheduling availability of the site.
- Under no circumstances may you withdraw from a rotation with less than 6 week notice. Professionalism action may be a result of non-compliance.
- Schedule requests will not be considered after the 6 week deadline except in extenuating circumstances (such as the cancellation by the site of a previously planned for elective or emergency situation).
- There are no scheduled holidays. If you’re at an on-call/house rotation, please check with your clinical team to see what your holiday responsibilities are. If you’re at a private practice you will work the regular office hours for that holiday.
- Check the Elective Directory for first day reporting at least one month in advance for the start of a rotation.
- Submit petitions for independent studies, AIs and away rotations by the deadlines above.
- Students are responsible for making sure you have scheduled all of your required coursework.
Evaluation Forms for Away Rotations
If you are completing a rotation at an away institution you must provide the UCF COM evaluation form to your supervisor prior to the end of your rotation. Evaluators should email completed forms to comregistrar@ucf.edu. We cannot accept evaluations sent directly from students.
Away rotations are coded as MDX courses on your Oasis registration.
It is a requirement to complete this short survey for each block you are enrolled in an elective home rotation. Once this information is received, your evaluation will be added to OASIS. When your rotation is complete, your preceptor must complete this evaluation in order for you to receive a grade for this rotation.
Please note a preceptor can be an attending, fellow, or clerkship director you have worked with during your rotation but not a resident.
Home rotations are coded as MDE, MDR or MDI courses on your Oasis registration.
Relevant M4 Policies
All policies below can be found on the Policies page under the Curriculum Policies section:
- M-4 Rotation Requirements Policy 6.5.1
- Duty Hours Policy 8.8.1
- Attendance Policy 8.8.2
- Clinical Supervision of Medical Students Policy 9.3.1
Absence Requests
Request time off for interviews, advisor meetings, MSPE meetings, or conferences in advance (at least 2 weeks).
- Review the attendance policy
- You should request time off from your attendings. Do not tell them you are taking time off, ask them.
- M3/M4 Absence Request Form
Quick overview of your MUST DO student responsibilities in M4 year:
- Tracking your course schedule and meeting requirements
- Audit your own schedules at least three times this academic year to ensure you are on track to meet graduation requirements (see Graduation Requirements section)
- Submit requests for schedule changes by the deadlines published on this page
- All scheduling changes must be facilitated or reported to the COM Registrar
- Submit petitions for independent studies, away rotations and research by the deadlines published on this page
- Get approval for Acting Internships at away rotations before the start of the block
- Ensure that all credentialing requirements are completed by the site deadlines
- Reach out to Karen Peterson at comcredential@ucf.edu for assistance and information
- Review first day reporting instructions at least ONE MONTH prior to the start of rotation
- See course directory excel file for first day instructions
- Request time off for interviews, advisor meetings, MSPE meetings, or conferences in advance (at least 2 weeks).
- You should request time off from your attendings…not tell them you are taking time off
- Review the attendance policy
- Ask away rotation preceptors to complete your evaluation before leaving the site. Completed evaluations should be emailed to the comregistrar@ucf.edu inbox
Hurricane & Tropical Storm Protocol
When a named tropical storm or hurricane is forecasted to impact our area, it is vital that you follow the instructions and guidelines provided by your assigned preceptor. Your preceptor will be the primary point of contact during these situations, and they will inform you if you should report to clinical duties or not.
In severe weather conditions, your safety is our utmost priority, and we want to ensure you are not put at risk during your clinical rotations. Therefore, if your preceptor advises you not to report to clinical duties during a Named Tropical Storm/Hurricane, please follow their instructions promptly and stay safe at home.
In the event of any changes to your clinical schedule or if you have any concerns about the impact of weather conditions on your duties, please communicate directly with your preceptor or the clinical coordinator.
Let’s all stay vigilant and prepared during this Named Tropical Storm/Hurricane Season. Your safety matters to us, and we are here to support you throughout your medical education journey.
Stay safe, and take care!
Best regards,
Magdalena Pasarica M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Assistant Dean of Medical Education for M3/4
Medical Director, KNIGHTS student-run free clinic
Family Medicine Chair of Education, FMIG Advisor
UCF College of Medicine | 6850 Lake Nona Blvd, Orlando, FL 32827-7408
(407) 266-1126 | (407) 266-1199 | Magdalena.Pasarica@ucf.edu
UCF COM Elective Resources
Please review this module before starting any elective offering:
MDE 8040 – Medical Spanish
The Medical Spanish elective is offered in blocks 5-10. Course contents will be provided in Webcourses and more details will be sent via the course coordinator in advance of the block start date.
Students are required to attend a virtual practical session based on block registration and dates are non-negotiable. If you cannot commit to the virtual practical date please do not register for the block.
2024-2025 Virtual Practical Dates
Block # | Practical Session Date (Thursdays) | Time |
5 | 11/14/24 | 1-5 pm |
6 | 12/12/24 | 8:30am- 12:30pm |
7 | 12/12/24 | 1-5 pm |
8 | 2/20/25 | 1-5 pm |
9 & 10 | 4/3/25 | 8:30 am – 12:30 pm |
Course Contacts
Brenda Perez – brenda.perez@ucf.edu
MDE 8900 – Aquifer
The Aquifer elective is available in any block. M4 students may enroll in the course for a maximum of 4 weeks. Course contents will be provided in Webcourses.
Read on if you are enrolled in this course for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please read the instructions below carefully, as there have been some improvements to the structure since last AY.
Webcourses information: https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1460138
Course Description
You will be completing 25 cases during this 2-week elective course. You can select any aquifer cases from one/more specialties, as long as you have not completed them in the past. All specialties or combinations of specialties are accepted. Submit final assignment with proof of case completion in Webcourses.
Required Assignment
Complete all 25 cases, download the case summary, and take a snapshot of the top portion of the “case summary” that includes your name, email, and date of completion (between June 5, 2023- last day of your enrolled block). Add this snapshot to the template word file in the assignment in Webcourses. Sample below:
Case number | Acknowledgement (snapshot from aquifer “download case summary PDF”) |
1 |
If you enroll in Aquifer twice this year, you will be able to submit both assignments in one location. Please make sure to title each assignment with the correct block number and letter. Ex. FirstNameLastNameBlock1a
Do NOT submit your assignment in the Comment section.
Deadline for Submission of required assignment
5 pm on the last day of the course of the block you are enrolled in
For example: If you are enrolled in Aquifer 1a (6/3 – 6/14) your assignment is due on 6/14 by 5pm the latest. If you are enrolled in Aquifer 1b (6/17 – 6/28) your assignment is due on 6/28 by 5pm the latest. If you are enrolled in both 1a and 1b this does NOT mean you can submit both assignments on 6/28.
As this course is based on self-regulating behavior:
- You can complete the aquifer cases at any point during the academic year that you signed up for the course, as long as the required assignment is submitted before 5 PM on the last day of the block for which you are enrolled. Please ensure that you have announcement notifications turned on.
- Excused absences are granted as per M3/4 attendance policy https://med.ucf.edu/media/2022/10/UCF-COM-Policy-8.8.2_Attendance-Policy_FINAL_9.16.22.pdf. NO other extensions will be considered.
This is a Pass/Fail course. As this is a self-directed learning course, you will not be reminded to complete your work. Late submission of the assignment will lead to a Fail grade in this course.
You will receive a Pass grade if you:
- Submit on time the assignment in Webcourses (proof of completion for the 25 aquifer cases).
- Did not have issues of concern regarding Professionalism, e.g., incomplete assignments, unexcused absences, or other breaches of professionalism, untimely and/or disrespectful in any form of communication.
You will receive a Fail grade if you:
- Submit late the assignment in Webcourses (proof of completion for the 25 aquifer cases).
- Had other issues of concern regarding Professionalism, e.g., incomplete assignments, unexcused absences, or other breaches of professionalism, untimely and/or disrespectful in any form of communication.
Course Contacts
Course Director: Magdalena Pasarica MD, PhD Magdalena.Pasarica@ucf.edu
Course Co-Director: Giselle Castaneira, MD Giselle.Castaneira@ucf.edu
Course Administrators: Elizabeth Webber Elizabeth.Webber@ucf.edu
MDE 8227 – Advanced ECG
This course is a 2 week, non-clinical online elective offered by Dr. Bernard Gros. This elective consists of assigned readings, e-learning modules, Kuracloud lessons, and a Powerpoint presentation on an assigned topic.
Course details
A Zoom meeting with the module director (Dr Gros) will be scheduled for Monday AM on the first day of the module.
- E-mail Dr Gros (Bernard.gros@ucf.edu) prior to the first day of the module to schedule your Zoom meeting on Monday – first day of module.
- If you need to schedule an alternative time – you must make arrangements with Dr Gros.
- Topic options for PowerPoint presentation will be discussed and must be approved by Dr Gros.
- A time will be scheduled for the presentation to take place via Zoom during the 2 week module
- Presentation will be 20-30min in duration covering the assigned ECG topic
Course resources and info
- Assigned Reading: Introduction to ECG Interpretation Version10.0 – Dr Frank Yanowitz
- Contact Elizabeth Webber for ECG Elective Assigned Reading Pamphlet
- ECG Self Study Elective orientation PPT 2022-23
- Execute three Umedic e-learning ECG learning modules: 1) Umedic Essential Electrocardiography, 2) Umedic essential arrhythmias, and 3) Umedic Essential Electrocardiography cases
- Completion of 6 Kuracloud ECG Lessons (10 – 20 ECG cases per lesson)
- Additional literature review on ECG topics as needed
- As needed, student will schedule meetings with faculty/module director to receive guidance in ECG interpretation.
- Assembling a PowerPoint presentation on an assigned topic and make a presentation during the 2 week block at a scheduled time with module director
Course contacts
Course Director: Dr. Bernard Gros – bernard.gros@ucf.edu
Elective Administrator: Elizabeth Webber – elizabeth.webber@ucf.edu
EdTech Coordinator: Kuracloud access – Melissa Cowan – melissa.cowan@ucf.edu
Resources for Planning M4 Year
M4 Schedule Building Resources: Class of 2026
Class of 2026 M4 Scheduling Worksheet for Careers Curriculum Assignment
Elective Course Directory 25-26 AY (January 2025)
Preliminary Elective Availability per Site 25-26 AY (Updated January 2025)
Block schedule dates & deadlines
Host institutions typically begin accepting applications on VSLO in March or April. Most do not begin processing applications until May.
For requirements listed as “home school requirements” on VSLO, the Registrar’s Office will automatically upload your documents for you.
VSLO charges a flat fee of $15 for each elective. Clinician Nexus is free, but does require a background check and drug screen through Pre-Check which has a fee.
Home institution information
The Registrar’s Office provides the following for away applications:
- Transcripts
- Certificate of Insurance/Malpractice coverage
- Academic Standing
- BLS, Mask Fit & OSHA verifications
Students are responsible for providing the following documents to the Registrar’s Office if the home institution is required to upload on their behalf:
- Drug screens and background checks
- Letter of Recommendation writers must email LORs to mdclinicalscheduling@ucf.edu
- Supplemental application materials
VSLO resources
VSLO Resources and Trainings Page
VSLO Overview – Mandatory Assignment
VSLO Student Webinar 2024-2025
Class of 2023 Student VSLO Overview
Clinician Nexus
Clinician Nexus is an HCA Corporate platform. Students must notify the Registrar’s Office when accepted to a rotation or when they have dropped one through CN.
If there are documents that must be uploaded by the home institution, students must email the Registrar’s office. Notifications for these requirements are not sent to the office like the VSLO system.
Important Note: HCA Osceola requires updated background and drug screens through PreCheck. This site will not accept updated background checks from any other company or website.
Away Rotation Resources
Scheduling Snapshot
- All Advent Health (AH), and Orlando Health (OH) and courses MUST be scheduled through VSLO
- All HCA Osceola courses MUST be scheduled through Clinician Nexus
- All UCF COM, VA and Private Office courses listed in the Course Directory MUST be scheduled through the UCF COM Registrar at mdclinicalscheduling@ucf.edu
- Affiliation agreements may be required for M4 away rotations. Please have the institution’s representatives contact Alisha Corsi at alisha.corsi@ucf.edu
- It is the student’s responsibility to verify where and whom they report to before the start of each course no later than one month before the start of the rotation. Some courses require that you contact the faculty a week before the start of the rotation.
- All M4 students should login to PACTS and view the instructional guide on the credentialing long form. Once students have completed the long form each student should verify ALL documents for each site that they are scheduled to rotate at. Students should delete forms in PACTS that are outdated.
- Students rotating at an HCA hospital will be required to complete a recent background check and drug screen through Pre-Check. Additional details will be listed in Clinician Nexus.
Site Specific Information
The resources below are site specific and provided by staff at these sites.
Lake Nona VA
On-boarding Instructions: a Step by Step Guide
Step 1
Once you have been scheduled at the Orlando VA, an email invitation will come from the VA ONE MONTH prior to your start date.
The email will come from the MVI.System@va.gov – this is an automated email from the VA system. If you do not see the email around one month before you start be sure to check your spam folder!
The email will look like this:
This email contains four crucial pieces of information:
1. Your point of contact at the VA
2. Your ID.me account link (Step 3 below)
3. The Dashboard link – where you will complete your paperwork
4. Invitation code
Step 2
Set up your ID.me account with your school given email address using the link found in the email above.
If you have an existing ID.me account using a personal (non-school) email account, you MUST create a new account using your school email address.
If you need to create an account see the graphic below for the menu navigation:
Step 3
Log into the MVI Dashboard and enter your invitation code, which can be found in the invitation email from Step 1. The screens should look like the below:
Step 4
Complete the documentation in the MVI Dashboard – for a step by step guide to completing the documents review the VA IAM Invitation Service Guide (this document can also be found on PACTS).
Step 5
After you have completed all of the documents in the MVI Dashboard from Step 4, you will need to complete the Mandatory Training for Trainees module (a.k.a. MTT).
Step 6
You will need to schedule two separate appointments utilizing your school email address.
For each of these appointments you will need to bring with you TWO forms of valid government approved documentation.
Click the following link to see a list of acceptable ID documents for Onboarding Appointment and PIV Badge Pick Up Appointment.
Make sure they haven’t expired!
Step 7
Schedule your On-boarding appointment on the AI Scheduler website.
At this appointment you will complete your fingerprints, ID photo, additional on-boarding paperwork.
Step 8
Schedule your PIV badge pick up appointment.
This can only be scheduled AFTER you have completed your On-boarding appointment.
You will need to schedule your badge pick up appointment using the AI Scheduler website.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The PIV badge pick up appointment must be the first date of your VA rotation. Don’t forget your two forms of ID!
Step 9
You will receive an email from the VA Coordinators with additional documents to complete and first day reporting instructions.
Additional documents you need to review & complete will include the following:
- Microsoft 365 access document – this is an informational document on how to navigate the YourIT portal with the VA system
- RESPIRATORY FIT TEST RECORD FORM 2023 – you will need to complete sections 1, 4 and 5 ONLY if applicable to your rotation
- ANNUAL Questionnaire 2023 – this only needs to be completed by trainees who have been previously cleared at Orlando VA
- INITIAL Med Clearance Orlando VA RP – this only needs to be completed by students who are rotating at the Orlando VA for the first time
Helpful Resources
Lake Nona VA Ophthalmology Course Document
- Curriculum Objectives & Grading
- Ophthalmoscopy Evaluation
- Practical Pre and Post Test
- Red Eye Case Handout
- Schedule
- Eye Exam Documentation
- Course Reading and Online Assignment
- Ophthalmology Videos
Bay Pines VA
Housing may be available but not guaranteed. Please reach out to COMClerkshipHousing@ucf.edu to ask about availability.
Onboarding Instructions
Coming soon!
MDE 8702 Anesthesia with Dr. Julio Warren
Dr. Warren has provided information to be reviewed prior to the start of this anesthesia rotation. Please review the documents below:
HCA Osceola Instructions
Badges, Time sheets & Parking Passes
All badges, time sheets and parking passes MUST be returned to Veronica Melendez in the MOB 201. Failure to return these items will result in delay of future rotations at the site.
Acceptable ways to return these items:
- Return to the box outside of Veronica’s office
- Slide under Veronica’s office door if the door is locked
- Return items to any staff in the office
For questions, please reach out to Veronica Melendez, Medical Student Coordinator for GME at HCA Florida-Osceola Hospital
Away Rotations & applying through Clinician Nexus
HCA Osceola requires updated background and drug screens through PreCheck. This site will not accept updated background checks from any other company or website.
Must apply through Clinician Nexus. Students must notify the Registrar’s Office when accepted to a rotation or when they have dropped one through CN.
Past Student Feedback on Rotations
Student feedback for M4 rotations can be found in the Student Lounge.
MDE 8490 & MDI 8490 Elective and Acting Internship in Pediatric Surgery with Dr. Tamarah Westmoreland
Please review the following materials prior to beginning your rotation in either Peds Surgery course:
Past Student Feedback on Rotations
Student feedback for M4 rotations can be found in the Student Lounge.
Naples Community Hospital – IM Clerkship Information
Past Student Feedback on Rotations
Student feedback for M4 rotations can be found in the Student Lounge.
Past Student Feedback on Rotations
Student feedback for M4 rotations can be found in the Student Lounge.Forms
Petition forms for Away & Home Rotations
Petition form for Clinical Rotations (VSLO/CN/Home & Away Rotations)
Petition form for Research (Home & Away)
Updated Petition form for International Electives
Evaluation form for End of Rotation M4s
UCF COM Evaluation Form for M4 End of Rotation
Time Off Request Form
Document Request forms from the COM Registrar
Enrollment Documentation Request Form
Unofficial Transcript Request Form
Official Transcript Requests
Official transcript requests are completed through UCF Main Campus. There is a fee associated with requesting an official transcript. The portal to complete an official transcript request can be accessed through visiting your student center MyUCF dashboard.
Locate M.D. Program on your left hand navigation –> Registrar/Student Records –> Academic Record –> M.D. Transcript Request