The promotion and tenure process requires ongoing planning and support. Our office can assist you with this big career advancement!  The following resources are provided to guide you through each step, from deciding if you’re ready for P&T all the way through the requirements and deadlines.  If you have additional questions regarding the P&T services and resources offered by your Faculty Development office, please contact us at

STEP 1: Am I ready for promotion or tenure?

Promotion & Tenure Checklists: General COM Faculty
CPE Procedures

COM CPE Procedures

More resources on CPE (CV templates, Dossier instructions, etc.) scroll to the last section on this page and click on “Cumulative Progress Evaluations (CPEs)”.


STEP 2: Check Timeline and Guidelines

Promotion & Tenure Guidelines and Timeline


Promotion Calendar

The university provides promotion pathways for tenured, tenure-earning and non-tenured earning faculty. The promotion calendar guides candidates throughout the promotion process. The Promotion calendar can be accessed here.


STEP 3: Select Your Department/Faculty Group


Resources and Information

Post-Tenure Review Policy

The Post-tenure review process is designed to ensure that  tenured faculty maintain high standards of quality and productivity. In compliance with Board of Governors and university regulations, the post-tenure review process evaluates whether tenure faculty achieve the responsibilities and expectations associated with their assigned duties related to research, teaching, and service. Finally, the post-tenure review process is designed to recognize and honor tenured faculty achievement and to provide faculty retention incentives.  More information on the post-tenure review process can be found here.

2022 Faculty Development P&T Series
Benefits of Being a Faculty Member
Video Tutorials
Cumulative Progress Evaluations (CPEs)
Cumulative Progress Evaluations (CPEs) are required for tenure-earning faculty beginning in their second year. Tenure-earning faculty getting CPEs must submit a CPE binder – an abbreviated version of a Promotion & Tenure file – to the chair.  
  • Impact statement
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Department guidelines
  • Annual assignments
  • Annual evaluations
  • Research funding reports
  • Research & creative activities summary and evidence
  • Teaching activities summary and evidence
  • Service activities summary and evidence
  • Other assigned duties
Associate professors considering promotion may request a CPE. Templates and Procedures:
Additional Services
  • Check out this great resource from our Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library team, with tips on how to present your publication impact and metrics in your P&T packet using three popular data-set websites.
  • Tips from Faculty who were recently promoted or serve on P&T review committees
You can contact Faculty Development anytime throughout the process: Before
  • If you’re unsure about your readiness for promotion, our office is happy to review your checklist for promotion and CV to determine the strength of your application.
  • Faculty development can review your CV and provide feedback on the flow of content and provide helpful examples of the best way to present your credentials/areas of excellence.
  • Need help or feedback on the all important narratives that are included in your dossier?  Our office can provide tips for marketing yourself through your narratives.
  • If you’re unsure about who may be a good external reviewer, our office is happy to give you strategies for identifying those who would best understand your academic credentials.
  • As your dossier moves from the departmental committee, your chair, the college committee, the dean, then the university P&T committee, Faculty Development can assist with any replies or additions you make to your application.
P&T Resources
P&T System/Platform Resources