This page contains all of the official policies & guidelines of the UCF College of Medicine. Policies meet the LCME standards for accreditation and have been approved through the Curriculum Committee. OSA or Office of Student Affairs policies have been documented and reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs regarding matters such as dress code, student conduct, computer use, etc.
The most commonly reviewed policies are highlighted below.
Curriculum Policies
- Americans with Disabilities Act – Medical Student Accommodations
- Attendance Policy (8.8.2)
- Clinical Skills and Simulation Center (CSSC) Policies and Procedures
- Clinical Supervision of Medical Students (9.3.1)
- Determination of Class Rank for the Medical Student Performance Evaluation – C/O 2027 and after
- Dress Code for Professional Attire and Clinical Activities
- Duty Hours Policy (8.8.1)
- End-of-year M3 OSCE Policy
- Formative Assessment and Mid-module/Clerkship Feedback Policy (9.7.1)
- Good Standing (9.9.6)
- Grade Release Policy (9.8.1)
- Leave of Absence Policy (9.9.4)
- M-4 Rotation Requirements Policy (6.5.1)
- Narrative Assessment Policy (9.5.1)
- Non-Involvement of Healthcare Providers in Student Assessment (12.5.1)
- Policy on USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Registration, Preparation, and Completion (9.9.7)
- Policy Overview: Standards for Promotion and Graduation, Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee, Academic/Professionalism, and Student Code of Conduct, Review Process and Appeals (Policy 9.9.0)
- Standards for Promotion and Graduation (9.9.1) – C/O 2027 and before
- Standards for Promotion and Graduation (9.9.1) – C/O 2028 and after
- Student Evaluation and Promotions Committee (9.9.2) – C/O 2027 and before
- Student Evaluation and Promotions Committee (9.9.2) – C/O 2028 and after
- Academic/Professionalism, Grading and Assessment Policy and Appeals Process (9.9.3)
- Code of Conduct: UCF Golden Rule (9.9.3A)
- Required Activities and Out-of-Class Work Policy (6.3.1) – C/O 2027 and before
- Required Activities and Out-of-Class Work Policy (6.3.1) – C/O 2028 and after
- Resident Orientation to Clinical Teaching Policy (9.1.1)
- Student Assignment to Clinical Sites Policy (10.9.1)
- Surveying M.D. Students
- Teacher-Learner Expectations During Clinical Years
Confidentiality Policies
Facilities Policies
Financial Policies
Incidents & Reporting Policies
- Exposure to Infectious Diseases and Environmental Hazards (Bloodborne Pathogens)
- Impaired Students and Substance Abuse Policy (9.9.5)
- Infectious and Environmental Hazards Student Incident Policy (12.8.1)
- Infectious Disease Protocol for Medical Students Policy (12.8.2)
- Missing Medical Student Notifications Policy
- Required Notification Policy
- UCF COM Student Mistreatment Policy (3.6.1)
- UCF Nondiscrimination Policy
Miscellaneous Policies
Organization Policies
Technology Policies