The acceptance package will include the Acceptance Letter and instructions on how to accept the offer through your application portal and complete the Residency Affidavit. Within your portal you will also have access to:

  • A copy of your formal offer of admission
  • Review of AMCAS-supported Criminal Background Check requirement
  • Review of Technical Standards and the chance to respond if an accommodation is needed
  • Review of state Residency Affidavit for Tuition Purposes
  • Information regarding submission of final transcripts

If the accepted student does not accept the offer in their portal within the appropriate timeframe, the Admissions Office will make every effort to contact the applicant to determine their intent. Not accepting the offer within the time specified in the letter will be grounds for cancellation of the offer of acceptance at the discretion of the Director of Admissions.


A criminal background check is initiated by CERTIPHI via AMCAS when an applicant is admitted to a program (beginning in January of the year that the applicant plans to enroll). As additional institutions offer acceptance to that applicant, those schools are also provided access to the result of the original CBC. Each M.D. Program will develop their own criteria for continuing an offer of acceptance based on information received. We anticipate that each response will be viewed on a case-by-case basis within the scope of the entire application.


The M.D. Program Admissions Office evaluates completed applications from both residents and non-residents of the State of Florida. Qualified non-Florida residents may be invited for an interview. However, as a state-supported institution, UCF has a responsibility to assure that a large majority of each matriculating class will be composed of Florida residents.

For initial determination of residency for tuition purposes as a newly admitted medical student at UCF, you can submit the Residency Classification Form to the College of Medicine Admissions Office. If you are currently attending UCF as a undergraduate or graduate student and wish to reclassify your current residency for tuition purposes, the College of Medicine Registrar’s Office will review requests for changes in residency status for all subsequent terms of attendance. For more information, please visit the UCF Registrar’s Office website


UCF M.D. Admissions Process – Choose Your Medical School

The UCF M.D. program intends to honor the spirit of the AAMC Protocols for both Applicants and Admissions Officers.

UCF does not charge a seat deposit.

UCF requests that applicants honor the protocol deadlines determined by the AAMC:

  • April 15, 2025: Reduce acceptance holdings to three programs/offers or less.
  • April 30, 2025: Reduce acceptance holdings to one program/offer.

UCF has established the following Choose Your Medical School Deadlines:

  • May 1, 2025 at 3:00pm EDT: Accepted students must Plan to Enroll (PTE).
  • June 16, 2025 at 3:00pm EDT:  Accepted students must complete the Commit to Enroll (CTE) process. This means that applicants will have signed the CTE agreement and will have removed themselves from other acceptances and wait lists.

UCF will continue to partner with our accepted and waitlisted applicants via email and telephone communications to assist applicants with understanding their probability of acceptance and any other questions about the UCF or national acceptance environment. This includes our normal monthly acceptance status updates to those on the alternate and wait list.

UCF wants applicants to know that the use of Plan to Enroll (PTE) and Commit to Enroll (CTE) are VOLUNTARY to the applicant until the deadlines set forth by individual programs.

  • UCF does not require PTE selection until the specified deadline.
  • UCF does not recommend selecting CTE until you are absolutely ready to do so. Upon selecting CTE you must advise any other programs to which you have an acceptance or alternate/wait list position that you are withdrawing from that program.

Medical schools, not the AAMC, are the only entities that have any enforcement power in this process. As such you should review the policies of any M.D. program to view their stated policies and deadlines regarding accepted or wait listed applicants.

UCF wants to partner with you for this process for your own benefit. You are welcome to contact us for any information whether you are accepted, alternate/wait listed, or withdrawn in order to assist you as you make important decisions regarding your future.

Enrollment Requirements

Please visit this website for information and instructions regarding all REQUIRED Enrollment Requirements for the UCF COM M.D. Program