Initial Screening of Applicants

The M.D. Program Admissions Office will begin communicating with applicants upon receipt of a verified AMCAS application. First, the Admissions Office will review to ensure that the application meets or exceeds the minimum GPA, MCAT scores, and citizenship requirements. Upon verification of these elements, the Admissions Office will e-mail each qualified applicant, including the link to the Secondary Application.

Interview Selection

Applicants chosen for interviews must be academically excellent and have demonstrated an interest in medicine through clinical and research activities. Those selected for interviews are contacted by telephone and e-mailed by the M.D. Admissions Office to schedule two video call interviews. In addition, a confirmation e-mail is sent before your video call interviews, with instructions to view a welcome video from the Dean. This video will provide valuable insight into the vision and mission of the UCF College of Medicine M.D. program.

Interview Day

We will host virtual interviews via the Zoom platform. In addition, to supplement the virtual interviews and hopefully give interviewees a chance to learn about what UCF COM offers, we plan to host monthly virtual visits for applicants selected to interview.

The virtual visit will include:

  • A visit with the COM Dean and Dean of Student Affairs
  • A medical school facility tour
  • Multiple interactions with medical students
  • Overview of the curriculum, facilities, financial aid, counseling and wellness, and other student support services
  • Information regarding our commitment to a diverse class and working environment
  • An overview of the admissions committee decision process and timelines for making offers of acceptance, placing on the waitlist, non-acceptance, and future communication and assistance

In addition to the virtual visits, we will invite interviewed students to attend in-person tours held throughout the admission cycle. Dates and times are provided when students schedule their interviews and virtual visits.

Future Updates: We will update the MSAR with any changes to our admissions policies, procedures, and deadlines.