Immunization & Insurance Documentation Requirements

Follow the below steps, in order, to complete enrollment requirements for Immunizations and Insurance.

Deadline for all document submissions for the Class of 2029 is July 1, 2025, by 5 p.m.
Do Not Send Documents to the College of Medicine


A couple of important points on immunizations –

  1. Your requirement for Hepatitis B is not complete until you have documentation of a positive titer (basically, a blood test with a numeric result (QUANTITATIVE Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer) that shows that you are immune to Hepatitis B).  Make sure your health care provider is ordering the right type of test.
  2. Having had chickenpox does NOT count for the Varicella requirement. You will need the vaccine series (two shots), or a positive titer.
  3. You need two (2) tuberculosis screening tests 12 months before enrollment (i.e. in the 12 months prior to August). Ideally, you would have your first PPD test, then a second one 1 – 3 weeks after the first. However, if you had a PPD test six months ago, you would just have to get another completed before enrollment and that would be fine.
  4. For Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis, you need the TDaP vaccine, NOT DTaP (they’re spelled very similarly). Many of you have had the DTaP vaccine as kids, you would now need the adult vaccine; a TD booster does not fulfill this requirement.

Register & create an account with Castle Branch to obtain a urine drug screen authorization form and access to the online system where students upload immunization and other enrollment requirement information.  Please note, when students first create an account, they will need to select the VQ30: Drug Test – Compliance Tracker to both obtain a drug screen authorization form and upload immunization information.

To register, please visit 

For more information, please click here.


Once your access has been received, collect documentation of immunizations:

  • Provide proof of the following immunizations and requirements found on the AAMC Standardized Immunization Form as well as submit the UCF Student Health Services Supplemental Meningitis Form. The AAMC Standardized Immunization Form must be uploaded.
  • Results of last two (2) tuberculosis screening (PPDs) or one (1) IGRA blood test are required regardless of prior BCG status.  These must be in the 12 months prior to enrollment. For students with a history of positive PPD or IGRA screenings, a Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire must be completed.
  • Seasonal Influenza vaccinations are required annually. For incoming first year students, they are not required prior to August Orientation to ensure the most current vaccine.  
  • All enrolled students must show proof of a physical examination prior to matriculation into the College of Medicine by having their health care provider complete the following Physical Exam Verification Form and submitting it to Castle Branch.
  • For information on vaccines, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Vaccine Information Statements.  Click here for further information on the Hepatitis B vaccine for healthcare personnel.

Uploading documentation:

Once you have collected your documentation and are ready to upload, please note the following:

  • You must enter the dates of your immunization requirements, NOT the date you are inputting the information.
  • Review of documents will take a couple of business days.  You will receive email messages as your status changes or if they have questions on your information.

All medical students are required to undergo a urine drug screen upon matriculation. A urine drug screen order form will be available through CastleBranch.


Submit proof of immunizations ONLY (i.e. AAMC Standardized Immunization Form, UCF Student Health Services Supplemental Meningitis Form and any supporting documentation) to UCF Student Health Services.

To submit documentation, send an email identifying yourself as a medical student to You will receive a secure upload link.


For information regarding the UCF health insurance plan, please click here.  Enrollment for the upcoming academic year opens in July.

Proof of Health Insurance must be uploaded to Castle Branch.  Please refer to Step 1 above for creating an account.


There is no need to send documentation to the Office of Student Affairs. The cost of disability insurance is automatically included in your tuition. The Office of Student Affairs will receive a roster of students who have enrolled for the academic year.  For information on disability insurance, please visit the disability insurance section of the website.  Disability insurance is an annual requirement.

If not enrolling with the UCF COM disability insurance plan, complete and submit the Proof of Disability Insurance Form to meet this requirement.

Proof of disability insurance does NOT need to be uploaded to Immunitrax.