Narrative Medicine at UCF COM
The Narrative Medicine curriculum at UCF College of Medicine uses close reading and writing activities to encourage reflection and develop narrative competence, which is “…the competence human beings use to absorb, interpret, and respond to stories…it enables the physician to practice with empathy, reflection, professionalism, and trustworthiness.” (Charon, 2001)
Narrative Medicine is integrated into the four year curriculum during:
- M1: in the Making of a Physician (MOP) module
- M3: in the pediatric, internal medicine, and psychiatric clerkships.
- M4: in a Narrative Medicine elective. In this elective, students engage in intense close reading, writing, and patient storytelling activities. This gives students the opportunity to absorb and analyze narrative through various forms of the humanities, including literature, film, visual art, and the dramatic arts. See below for pictures of selected Narrative Medicine elective activities.
Charon, Rita. (2001). Narrative Medicine: A Model for Empathy, Reflection, Profession, and Trust. Journal of the American Medical Association 286, 1897-902.
Narrative Medicine Faculty
Olivia DiLeonardo

Author reading event for contributors to Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine

Books and films for the Narrative Medicine 4th year elective.
4th year elective students attending performances at The Orlando Shakespeare Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Annie Russell Theater at Rollins College, and the Enzian Theater.

Drs. Mehta and Klapheke and Olivia DiLeonardo facilitate a parallel charting activity with M3 students during psychiatry didactics.
4th year elective students observe and write about works of art with Orlando Museum of Art Associate Curator of Education and Outreach, David Matteson.