
Dr. Katherine Daly is a licensed psychologist. She began her education in psychology at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. She then received her MA in Counseling Psychology at the University of Missouri, and PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Florida in 2011. She completed her doctoral internship at the University of Tennessee. She was Assistant Director of Counseling Services and a professor of psychology at St. Mary’s College of Maryland from 2012-2014. In 2014, Dr. Daly joined the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and has since become the Director of Counseling & Wellness Services and Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences.

Dr. Daly has more than a decade of counseling experience. In addition, she has an active research program in medical student wellness. Dr. Daly is passionate about the integration of counseling and health and how improving one’s mental health and wellness ultimately improves physical health outcomes and quality of life. She enjoys working with clients around clinical issues such as maladaptive perfectionism, bereavement, chronic health issues, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, burnout, and counseling to simply improve one’s life and relationships. 

Dr. Daly is currently faculty co-advisor for UCF’s Gold Humanism Honor Society, co-advisor for Arts in Medicine, and a member of the UCF College of Medicine Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Recent Publications and Presentations

Peer reviewed articles

  • Young, C., Daly, K.D., Caceres, J., Wolanskyj-Spinner, A., Hurtado, A., Phillips, A., Woods, J., & Lee, W.W. (2022). Is your medical student well-being program working? A process for evaluating UME well-being programs. Manuscript in progress.
  • Abrams, M.P., Salzman, J., Espina Rey, A., & Daly, K.D. (2022). Impact of Providing Peer Support on Medical Students’ Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Health Stigma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5135.  4601/19/9/5135 
  • Abrams, M.P., Daly, K.D. and Suprun, A. (2020), Peer support expands wellness services and reduces mental health stigma. Med Educ, 54:1050-1051. 
  • Abrams MP, Eckert T, Topping D, Daly KD. (2020). Reflective Writing on the Cadaveric Dissection Experience: An Effective Tool to Assess the Impact of Dissection on Learning of Anatomy,        Humanism, Empathy, Well-Being, and Professional Identity Formation in Medical Students. Anat   Sci Educ. 2020 Oct 13. doi: 10.1002/ase.2025. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33052018. 
  • Hernandez, C. Daly, K.D., Mehta, A.S, & Verduin, M. (2019).A Pilot Study Examining Biofeedback and Structured Napping to Promote Medical Student Wellbeing. MedEdPublish. DOI: 
  • Daly, K.D. & Mehta, A.S. (2018). Unique barriers to wellbeing for pathology residents and how to  address them. Cancer Cytopathology, 299-300. DOI: 10.1002/cncy.21997 
  • Mallinckrodt, B., Choi, G., & Daly, K.D. (2015). Pilot test of a measure to assess therapeutic distance and its association with client attachment, and corrective experience in therapy. Psychotherapy         Research. DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2014.928755 
  • Tucker, C. M., Butler, A., Kaye, L. B., Nolan, S. E. M., Flenar, D. J., Marsiske, M., Bragg, M., Hoover, E., & Daly, K.D. (2014). Impact of a culturally sensitive health self-empowerment         workshop series on health behaviors/lifestyles, BMI, and blood pressure of culturally diverse overweight/obese adults. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 8, 122-132. DOI 
  • Tucker, C.M., Lopez, M. T., Campbell, K., Marsiske, M., Daly, K.D., Nghiem, K., Rahim-Williams,  B., & Jones, J. (2014), The effects of a culturally sensitive, empowerment-focused, community-based health promotion program on health outcomes of adults with type 2       diabetes. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 25, 292-307. DOI   

Invited Presentations

  1. Daly, K. & Grabnickas, K. (2017, March). Design of a Customized Sleep Intervention for Medical Students. Southern College Health Association (SCHA) in Orlando, FL.
  2. Bishop, K. & Daly, K.D. (2014, November). The Use of Self-Guided Wellness Videos to Complement Therapy. A 60-minute breakout session at the Maryland Counseling Association (MCA) at Johns Hopkins University.
  3. Bishop, K. & Daly, K.D. (2013, September). Implementing a Wellness Mentor Program. A 90-minute presentation workshop offered at the American College Counseling Association (ACCA) conference in New Orleans, LA.

Education & Specialties

  • B.A., Psychology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD
  • M.A., The University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
  • Ph.D., The University of Florida, Gainesville, FL


  • Counseling Psychology
  • Psychotherapy with Adults
  • Counseling Medical Students

Research Interests

  • Counseling in Health Settings
  • Impact of Attachment Security on Relationship Functioning in Adults
  • Use of Multicultural Counseling to Improve Physical Health Outcomes of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease and to Reduce Health Disparities
  • Health and Wellness Promotion Among Medical Students