If you believe you have been mistreated, or if you know of a student who has been mistreated, please review the consultation and reporting process available in the UCF COM Student Mistreatment Policy

Mistreatment Consultation/Reporting Form

All students, faculty, staff, and residents affiliated with the UCF College of Medicine shall report all incidents of alleged mistreatment. A medical student who believes they have been mistreated, or an individual who becomes aware of mistreatment, makes an initial report to the associate/assistant dean for students. Reports may be restricted (confidential without further disclosure of student identity beyond the Office of Student Affairs, unless reporting is required by regulation or law) or unrestricted (confidential with disclosure of student identity to appropriate parties for investigative purposes). Completely anonymous reports (for example, comments on end-of-year surveys) may not be fully investigated due to a lack of complete information and the inability to confirm the report.

After reporting, a consultation process is triggered. Often, concerns can be resolved through the consultation process. However, the student who made the report (the “Grievant”) can initiate an unrestricted report procedure, which entails a non-anonymous report of alleged mistreatment and subsequent investigation of the charges by the associate dean for academic affairs (or designee). Detailed information can be found in the UCF COM Student Mistreatment Policy.


Medical Student Mistreatment Defined

UCF College of Medicine has defined mistreatment as any behavior that is harmful or offensive and unreasonably interferes with a student’s learning. Such behavior may be verbal (swearing, humiliation, insults), emotional (neglect, a hostile environment), and physical (threats, physical harm). Students should be aware that medical student training is a rigorous process and feedback may occasionally be uncomfortable. For example, the Socratic method is frequently utilized in medical education, to not only assess knowledge but also to promote synthesis and application of that knowledge. In and of itself, the Socratic method does not constitute mistreatment. (However, once it is clear that a student has reached the limit of his/her knowledge, it is not appropriate to continue berating students with questions or with denigrating comments about his/her knowledge base.) Students should take this into account when assessing potential cases of mistreatment.

Examples of mistreatment include but are not limited to:

  • verbal attacks or speaking insultingly to or about a person
  • public belittling or humiliation (e.g., beyond the appropriate use of the Socratic method)
  • threat of harm or being physically attacked (e.g., hitting, slapping, or kicking a person, or throwing instruments at a person)
  • requiring performance of personal services (e.g., shopping, babysitting)
  • intentional neglect or lack of communication (e.g., neglect, in a clerkship, of students with interests in a different field of medicine) or other instances that cause unwarranted exclusion from reasonable learning or professional opportunities
  • disregard for student safety
  • denigrating comments about a student’s field of choice
  • threat of grading and other forms of assessment as a reward or punishment other than course/clinical performance
  • assigning duties as punishment rather than education
  • other behaviors that are contrary to the spirit of learning and/or violate trust between the teacher and learner.

Other mistreatment behaviors such as sexual harassment, and discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran status are covered under this and other College and University policies. When a medical student is alleged to have engaged in medical student mistreatment, the case may be referred to the Honor Council (aka Student Professional Conduct Council) if it represents a violation of professionalism standards. Disputes over grades are handled by M.D. Program academic policies.

Other resources for reporting student mistreatment or getting help:

University Ombuds Office (located on main campus)

Ombuds officers

Shreya Trivedi, University Ombuds Officer

Daniel Thompson, Assistant Ombuds

Phone: (407) 823-6440
Millican Hall, Suite 243, Room 247

Victim Services

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (407) 823-1200
Other victim resources can be found here: http://victimservices.ucf.edu/resources

Title IX – Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and/or Interpersonal Violence

Office of Institutional Equity

Connecting to Resources and Reporting a Concern

If you or someone you know has been impacted by gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, or sexual exploitation, there are resources, services, and reporting options available. Please visit the Let’s Be Clear website to learn more. You may also contact a member of the Title IX team directly to discuss your concerns: 

Confidential resources and support are available as well:

UCF Victim Services: Ask a question, discuss a concern, and get confidential help.

Text (407) 823- 6868 or Call (407) 823-1200 (24 Hours).


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Provides individual and group counseling as well as resource referrals.

Call (407) 823- 2811 (24-hour crisis support is available by dialing 5)


UCF Ombuds Office: Listens to concerns, discusses options for reporting, and helps open the lines of communication.

Call 407-823-6440 or 407-823-6441
