New Evaluation and Approval Process for Clinical Community Engagement Activities
This process is being implemented to ensure our activities are conducted using best practices for community partnership, sustainability and safety. A new Clinical Community Engagement Committee (CCEC) has been formed to evaluate all proposals and final approval will be made by Dr. Verduin (for non-curricular activities) and by Dr. Peppler (for curricular activities).
If you are interested in starting a new program at the COM, please see the flow chart below:

Liability Coverage
Meet with the COM Legal Department to discuss policies and procedures relevant to community engagement activities. Paula Sagarino, COM liaison for the UCF COM Self-Insurance Program, can help faculty members attain liability coverage. The UCF COM Community Engagement Events Faculty Liability Coverage Flow Chart details the step-by-step process for attaining coverage.
Ask the COM Legal Dept. for these important documents to review:
-COM HIPAA Security Policies
-COM HIPAA Privacy Policies
It is advised you meet with Dr. Judith Simms-Cendan for assistance in developing a new community engagement/service learning program/activity.
Please make an appointment with Soraya Smith, in the Office of Student Affairs to discuss your new program or event.
Any new student organization seeking affiliation with UCF College of Medicine will be able to submit the New Student Organization Approval Form along with a draft of the proposed constitution.
Liability Coverage
General liability and professional liability coverage (commonly referred to as malpractice coverage) is provided to students while in an approved course of study or training program at limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, when not subject to personal immunity.
For students who participate in community/service learning or extracurricular activities, coverage is not automatic. To request coverage for an extracurricular activity, the student must contact Student Affairs to request an Extracurricular Activity Approval Form AND receive approval PRIOR to participating in the activity. If approval is not obtained prior to participating, the activity will not be covered.
This information does not amend, alter or modify the protection afforded by the UCF COM Self-Insurance Program and is not fully descriptive of all conditions and restrictions. For further information, please contact Student Affairs.
Promoting Student Organization Events
UCF College of Medicine Policy: Promoting Student Organization Events The UCF College of Medicine supports our medical and biomedical student interest groups. Please send all event requests to:
• College of Medicine: Soraya Smith, director of student services and service learning, at
• Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences: Allison Connally, coordinator, administrative services,
For your organization’s event to be considered for promotion, it must be submitted no less than 10 days before the event begins. All event requests will be reviewed for consideration (review criteria will include newsworthiness, showcasing efforts in the community, etc.). Note that we cannot guarantee that your event will be posted.
Read the full guidelines here. More info on planning a Student Organization Event can be found here.
It is advised you meet with Dr. Judith Simms-Cendan for assistance in developing a new community engagement/service learning program/activity.
Student Forms
Extracurricular Clinical Activity Forms and Extracurricular Research Activity Forms are required for any clinical or research activities that take place outside of the curriculum, such as shadowing, health fairs, or research that is NOT part of the FIRE module. Forms must be submitted and approved PRIOR to the activity occurring. Forms will not be approved retroactively.
Clinical Activities
Extracurricular Clinical Activity Form (Green Form)
This form is used for anything with a clinical component (such as volunteering at a free clinic). In order for the student to be covered by liability insurance, the signature or approval of a UCF College of Medicine faculty member (core/adjunct/volunteer) must accompany the form.
International Clinical Activities
Students wishing to participate in international activities must obtain the approval of Dr. Judith Simms-Cendan PRIOR to submitting the form to the Office of Student Affairs. Students should reach out to Dr. Judith Simms-Cendan at least EIGHT WEEKS prior to travel to ensure all requirements are in place. For more information, visit the Global Health Program page.
Research Activities
Extracurricular Research Form (Gold Form)
This form is used for research OTHER THAN RESEARCH RELATED TO THE FIRE MODULE. This does not apply to literature reviews. If the student is working on finishing up a manuscript or other publication from research at a previous institution while at COM, a copy of the IRB approval letter must accompany this form. For questions on IRB policies and procedures, please visit the UCF Institutional Review Board page.
Volunteer Activities
Extracurricular Volunteer Activities
For all other activities that do not have a research or clinical component, the above form can be utilized to track the event and hours earned. Faculty approval is not required. Completion of this form will be utilized to track service learning and other volunteer hours.
For any questions, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.
Finances & Grant Funding
UCF has strict guidelines and policies you must follow to fund raise. Before you start fundraising for a program or event, please contact the Office of Advancement.
To solicit permission to hold a fundraising event, visit Business Services and the Office of Advancement.
The UCF SGA may provide funding for events and conferences.
Donating to our Programs
If you’d like to donate to our programs, you can give online at the UCF Foundation. Search for:
- The Global Health Fund
- KNIGHTS Clinic
- Chapman Compassionate Care for the Homeless Program Fund
Useful Links to External Grant Applications
AAMC Research and Training Opportunities
ACOG list of Grants, Scholarships and Research
American Medical Women’s Association
Community Conversations Research Competition
Culture of Health Prize
Florida Medical & Health Grants
National Institutes of Health (NIH)