There are NO scheduled breaks or holiday in the M4 year.  Students are expected to work regular hours that the site is open.  For example, if you are working at a private practice during the 4th of July or Labor Day and the office is closed then you would have those days off.  However if you are working in a hospital during the previously mentioned holidays then you might have to work.  You should check with your team to determine holiday responsibilities.

The University of Central Florida College of Medicine is always seeking out educational opportunities for our M4 students.  If you are a physician in Orlando or the surrounding areas and are interested in teaching M4 students please contact Mr. Ken Staack, M4 Coordinator via phone at 407-266-1110 or email at to receive more information.

At the current time UCF College of Medicine does not accept away students.  For students interested in doing away rotations in the Orlando area please contact Florida Hospital and Orlando Health GME offices, Orlando VAMC or Osceola Regional.

Prior to the first day of your rotation it is recommended that you obtain/confirm the contact information for the preceptor that you are working with.  It is also recommended that you ask what the preferred contact method is (text, email, call)

First day reporting information can be located in the M4 catalog on the M4 Site

Your M4 grades are available in OASIS once you complete all course, faculty, and site evaluations.  Please complete your evaluations as soon as possible so they do not close and prevent you from viewing your final evaluation with your grade.

  • Please contact Ms. Corsi regarding course registration, add/drop, independent study, course schedule, and away evaluations.
  • Many questions regarding the M4 registration process can be answered on the M4 Site.  Please review the M4 Site for the M4 calendar, forms, and additional resources.

Please contact Mr. Ken Staack via email at or phone at 407-266-1110 regarding first day reporting information, evaluations, absences, CANVAS, OASIS, credentialing, physician contact information, and call schedules.

When you are sick you should first contact your team and supervising physician.  Second you should complete the absence form and return it to Mr. Staack.

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