Welcome to Surgery Interest Group
Mission: To provide UCF COM students with a comprehensive look into surgical specialties. Aiming to cultivate interest in surgery by offering students opportunities to obtain some of the immense anatomical and clinical knowledge, precise surgical skills, and detailed understanding of the healthcare field required of a surgeon in any discipline. SIG serves to provide insight into each facet of surgical specialties through integrating informative events designed to illuminate the cutting-edge advances occurring in surgical techniques and technology, hands-on experiences to improve surgical skills, and interactive presentations given by some of the foremost leaders in numerous surgical disciplines.
Group Email: sigucf@gmail.com
Student Leadership
Co-Presidents: Sam Hovland and Andrew Willmer
Vice President: Keaton Funderburk
Secretary: Michelle Chen
Treasurer: Justin Cho
M3 Liaisons: Scott Gronowicz and Jem Shaylor
M4 Liaisons: Harriet Austin, Chris Schilson, and JD Schwartzman