Welcome to Medical Genetics Interest Group
To work to establish an awareness of the ways genetics and genomics are becoming integral parts of clinical care across different specialties. Our group will strive to inform students on career pathways for medical genetics residencies and/or fellowships, the latest advances in genomics research, and the impact genetics research has had on public health. Furthermore, we will work to establish a network between students and genetic health professionals within our community. Ultimately, we believe that all medical students, regardless of their chosen career path, stand to benefit from a deeper knowledge of genetics and genomics and the ways that it is reshaping the practice of medicine.
Group Email: medgenknights@gmail.com
Student Leadership
President: Isaac Soloveychik
Vice President: Saurav Kiri
Secretary: Daniel Thach
Treasurer: Courtney Heitzler
M3 Liaison: Michael Roth