The COM Research Office supports faculty, staff, and students through the Research Project Lifecycle. The lifecycle includes the research idea, developing and submitting a proposal, receiving the notice of award and establishing the project internally, managing the project, and closing out the project when finished. Throughout each of these phases, research integrity and compliance are integral components.


Finding Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Research Development Team offers a broad search for opportunities to the research community. The COM Research Office can offer suggestions on funders based on prior experience from other proposal submissions. We also have a quick links section for searches.

Develop and Submit Proposal
The Office of Research Proposal team is the only authorized unit of the university to submit research proposals on behalf of the university. The COM Research Office team can facilitate the review of the sponsor guidelines for funding, budget creation, entry of submission into the university’s electronic research administration system, and routing for internal approvals. Contact our team early in the process so we may fully assist you in the proposal preparation.

Just in Time Requests
Some agencies require updates or additional information to be provided prior to issuing an award to the university. This may include document such as Other Support, regulatory approvals (IRB, IACUC, etc.), and updated budgets. Our office can assist with pulling these items together.
Award Management SERVICES

Notice of Award & Project Setup
Once a notice of award is receiving and accepted, our team will review any specific terms and conditions of the award and coordinate the setup of the project account in UCF Financials. Any project personnel that need to be hired or any ePAF changes required will be discussed at this time as well.

Project Management
Ongoing review of project personnel, budget, and project deliverables is necessary over the life of the project. Our team assists with budget forecasting, changes in ePAFs, budget transfer requests, and deliverable monitoring.

Project Closeout
Project closeout begins at the onset of the project and through the life of the project. Final deliverables, expenditures, and changing of ePAFs are all required at the end of the project and should occur in a timely manner.