Poster Presentation – Faculty Choice
1st Place: Banarjee, Chitra
Title: Early Outcomes: Changes in Physical Activity Show No Correlation with Objectively and Subjectively Measured Balance
Mentor/Affiliation: Joon-Hyuk Park, PhD, UCF
2nd Place: Kumar, Sanjan
Title: Level 1 and Level 2 Trauma Centers Show Similar Outcomes in Exploratory Laparotomy Patients
Mentor/Affiliation: David, Lebowitz, MD, UCF
3rd Place: Molligoda, Brandon
Title: Identifying Prognostic Factors: Age and Tumor Location Predict Tumor Response Following Radiation Treatment in Meningioma Patients
Mentor/Affiliation: Naren Ramakrishna, MD, PhD, Orlando Health
Poster Presentation – Peer Choice
1st Place: Shaylor, Jemual
Title: Quantification of Systemic-to-Pulmonary Collateral Vessel Burden Using Current Imaging Modalities: An Examination of Emerging Techniques and the Use of Additional Computational Analysis
Mentor/Affiliation: Alain Kassab, PhD, UCF
2nd Place: Ukleja, Jacob
Title: A Ray of Hope: The Difference of Incidence and Timing of Pseudoprogression Between Proton vs. IMRT Glioblastoma Treatments
Mentor/Affiliation: Naren Ramakrishna, MD, PhD, Orlando Health
3rd Place: Hsieh, Michael
Title: Time and Cost Associated with Postoperative Pediatric Urology Presentations to the Emergency Department
Mentor/Affiliation: Pamela Ellsworth, MD, Nemours
Oral Presentation – Faculty Choice
1st Place: Molligoda, Brandon
Title: Identifying Prognostic Factors: Age and Tumor Location Predict Tumor Response Following Radiation Treatment in Meningioma Patients
Mentor/Affiliation: Naren Ramakrishna, MD, PhD, Orlando Health
2nd Place: Formanski, Erin
Title: Metformin Use Prior to Hip Fracture Surgery: Does it Cause Complications?
Mentor/Affiliation: Mohamed Shaath, MD, Orlando Health
3rd Place: Cohen, Katherine
Title: Evaluating Preclinical Medical School Integration of Diversity and Bias Awareness Education Related to Analgesia and Opioid Use Disorder
Mentor/Affiliation: Laurel Gorman, PhD, Temple University School of Medicine
Oral Presentation – Peer Choice
1st Place: Molligoda, Brandon
Title: Identifying Prognostic Factors: Age and Tumor Location Predict Tumor Response Following Radiation Treatment in Meningioma Patients
Mentor/Affiliation: Naren Ramakrishna, MD, PhD, Orlando Health
2nd Place: Cohen, Katherine
Title: Evaluating Preclinical Medical School Integration of Diversity and Bias Awareness Education Related to Analgesia and Opioid Use Disorder
Mentor/Affiliation: Laurel Gorman, PhD, Temple University School of Medicine
3rd Place: Raodeo, Pinak
Title: The Occurrence of Substance Use Issues and PTSD in TBI Patients
Mentor/Affiliation: Michael Hoffmann, MD, PhD, UCF