
Andrea Berry has worked in medical education for over 19 years and has a strong perspective of both the student and faculty experience in the field. Beginning her career as a Student Affairs professional, Ms. Berry advised medical students on curricular issues and career decisions. She also became engaged in work-based learning principles and strategies as she guided faculty and residents in the clinical learning environment. As part of her position as Director of Faculty Development at a new College of Medicine, she has had the opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty to design and deliver the innovative curriculum and assessment programs.

More recently, as the Executive Director of Faculty Life she has contributed to the development of GME programs, oversees the Continuous Professional Development office and plays a role in developing policies and processes for Promotion & Tenure and faculty award programs.  She is particularly interested in the clinical curriculum and has created several regionally recognized programs designed to support physicians in their medical education roles. She was invited to serve on a national inaugural committee on faculty development for MESRE and has given over 80 invited lectures on clinical teaching topics.

Her research interests include geriatric curriculum and education, clinical teaching and learning, program evaluation, and how medical students navigate curriculum and form professional identities through the medical school experience. Andrea is a member of the following groups: AAMC’s Medical Education Scholarship, Research and Evaluation (MESRE) Faculty Development Committee (Chair); Southern Group on Educational Affairs Steering Committee; MESRE Steering Committee; SGEA Program Evaluation Special Interest Group; SGEA Faculty Development Special Interest Group; SGEA Collaborate at a Distance for Medical Education Group.

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