By | August 20, 2010 12:00 am

State Authorizes UCF as Third Receiving Site for Willed Bodies in Florida

The UCF College of Medicine is now one of three medical schools in Florida that is state-approved to receive willed bodies to train medical students and local physicians.
Until now, people who wanted to will their bodies to medical science had to have their remains sent to the University of Florida in Gainesville or the University of Miami.

“Our approval as a receiving site, by the Anatomical Board of Florida, makes willing much easier for Central Floridians,” said Andrew Payer, Ph.D., professor of Anatomy at the College of Medicine. “People who will their bodies are making an ultimate gift in helping to train physicians and improve health care. We are very grateful for their generosity.”

People wishing to will their bodies to the UCF College of Medicine must fill out the proper paperwork and go through a process established by the Anatomical Board of Florida. The Board is currently updating its web site to include information on UCF.

In the meantime, individuals or organizations interested in learning more about willing bodies to the College of Medicine can call 407-266-1131 or 407-266-1142.

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