By Wendy Sarubbi | February 18, 2011 1:49 pm

The Student Professional Conduct Council (SPCC) at the UCF College of Medicine has placed honor code plaques throughout the new medical education building. The plaques list the M.D. students’ educational values: integrity, professionalism, judgment and respect.

The plaques are now hanging in classrooms 101, 104 and 116, as well as the Microscopy and Anatomy labs and the Student Lounge.

Called a “Commitment of Honor,” the plaque portrays the M.D. students’ pledge with the words:

“The practice of medicine is a great privilege and carries with it a time-honored responsibility to our patients and to our profession. The core values we, as students, strive to exemplify are:


  • Integrity – To be Honest and Ethical in our Profession
  • Professionalism – To Uphold the Standards of the title We Represent
  • Judgment – To Make Decisions with Assurance and Competence
  • Respect – To Act with Consideration for the Dignity and Rights of Others”

“Thank you to everyone involved — the students, the SPCC council, and the administration — for helping to develop, approve, and hang the plaques,” said M-2 Virgil Secasanu, chair of the SPCC. “Slowly but surely, we are making the impressive medical education building our very own.”

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