Our Mission

The University of Central Florida College of Medicine educates and inspires individuals to be exemplary physicians and scientists, leaders in medicine, scholars in discovery, and adopters of innovative technology to improve the health and well-being of all.

Our patient-centered mission is achieved by outstanding medical care and services, groundbreaking research, and leading edge medical and biomedical education in an environment enriched by diversity.

Our Vision

The University of Central Florida College of Medicine aspires to be the nation’s premier 21st century college of medicine.

The UCF College of Medicine will be a national leader in education, research, and patient care, recognized for supporting and empowering its students and faculty to realize their passion for discovery, healing, health, and life, and for its ability to create partnerships to transform medical education, health care, and research.

Our Goals

Goal 1: Excel in medical and biomedical education
Goal 2: Excel in research and discovery in: biomedical sciences, medical education, and health care
Goal 3: Provide outstanding, innovative, patient-centered care while transforming health care delivery
Goal 4: Be America’s leading partnership college of medicine
Goal 5: Achieve a diversified self-sustaining infrastructure to support future operations