If you have completed a Master’s Degree or less at a non-U.S. institution, you need to obtain a second Bachelor’s Degree or a Master’s Degree at a regionally accredited U.S. institution. All prerequisites would need to be completed in the United States. Additionally, foreign graduates need to demonstrate medical motivation through medical volunteering and shadowing. The Committee will look for other areas, including community service, teamwork/leadership activities, and research.

Suppose an applicant has completed a foreign medical degree. In that case, they should visit ECFMG.org before applying to medical school in the U.S. If you have completed a foreign medical degree and would like to use it for medical school at UCF, you would need to complete either a science-based Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in the U.S. at an accredited institution to demonstrate proficiency in the U.S. education system. All applicants must take the MCAT by the application deadline. Additionally, foreign medical graduates would need to present medical motivation through medical volunteering and shadowing. The Committee will look for other areas, including community service, teamwork/leadership activities, and research. To be eligible to apply, you must be a U.S. Citizen, “Final” Resident Alien, or have INS approved Asylum in the U.S.