Litza Rivera

Madelynn Verkleeren

Christina Mayer

Cedric Brown, EdD

Katharine Sheehan

Katharine (Kathy) Sheehan joined the Division of Continuous Professional Learning as an Administrative Assistant in June 2022.  She comes to us from New York where…

R. Lane Coffee, Jr., PhD, MS

R. Lane Coffee, Jr., PhD, MS, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Coffee was recruited…

Carolyn Castro-Pagan

CAROLYN CASTRO-PAGAN is a founding member of the UCF College of Medicine with over twenty years of experience in Business Administration, Human Resources, Recruitment, Planning…

Alaina West

Alaina West joined the Division of Continuous Professional Learning as the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Coordinator. She has been with the UCF College of Medicine…

Amanda Ramos

Amanda Ramos joined the Faculty Development team as the Assistant Director. After graduating with her Master’s degree, she worked as a teacher for several years….

Andrea Berry

Andrea Berry has worked in medical education for over 19 years and has a strong perspective of both the student and faculty experience in the field….

Annette Khaled, Ph.D.

Developing personalized treatments, harnessing nanomedicine and immunotherapy for metastatic cancers The research interest of the Khaled lab is developing new cancer treatments, using cutting-edge nanotechnology…

Jane S. Gibson, Ph.D.

Dr. Gibson is currently Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Professor of Pathology, Chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences, and Director of Molecular Diagnostics at…