By Wendy Sarubbi | September 25, 2014 3:55 pm

Attention creatives. We need your artwork.

The College of Medicine is beginning a new tradition this year. For the 2014 holiday card, Dean Deborah German wants to feature an original work of art created by a medical school faculty member, staff member or student. “Many of our colleagues have artistic talents,” Dr. German said, “I would like to celebrate and recognize those talents and share our creativity with our community.”

If you have created original artwork that you think might be suitable for a holiday card, the College of Medicine wants to see it for consideration. Please send a photo of your work to Communications and Marketing Director Wendy Sarubbi at We will be asking finalists for their actual art so that a committee can make a final selection of the winning piece. A professional photo will be taken of the piece and used as the cover of the card.

The deadline for photo submissions in October 10 since the card will come out in early December.

Happy Art!

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