By | July 9, 2010 12:00 am

You Want to Meet Where?

ORLANDO, July 9, 2010 — Managing 50 different spaces in the College of Medicine’s medical education building – from the Anatomy Lab to the atrium, the student lounge to individual conference rooms – is being accomplished through a new high-tech scheduling system.

Resource 25 – R25 for short – keeps track of every space at the college and every scheduled event. A Web application allows users to search for and request spaces and also to see what events are happening each day in the new medical education building.

“We needed a system that would manage all of our meeting spaces and all of the events we are holding at the new building,” said Teresa Johnson, coordinator, management analyst, who is serving as interim scheduling coordinator.

The system keeps track of every meeting area, including every conference room, PBL and classroom as well as areas like the café and Tavistock Green. R25 will be used in the future to reserve specific resources to rooms, such as laptop computers or assigned parking.
“With all of the meetings we have and all of the upcoming events planned at the college, it would be impossible to juggle all of our needs without the system,” Teresa said.

R25 has been in place for the five weeks the college has been at the new medical education building and it’s already in high demand. Teresa says she gets about 20 requests for meeting space a day – and even recently received a request to schedule a meeting in 2012. “The system is very smart,” she said, “but it couldn’t recognize 2012 yet. So we’ll be programming that meeting soon.”

Members of the College of Medicine team can request space through their department’s designated requestor.

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