By Wendy Sarubbi | August 21, 2014 7:26 pm

On Thursday night, August 21, the College of Medicine’s new Internal Medicine residents doused themselves with ice water on the Tavistock Green and issued an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to Dean Deborah German, Internal Medicine Chair Dr. Edward Ross and the entire UCF medical school.

This is the first year of UCF’s residency program, done in partnership with the Orlando VA Medical Center and Osceola Regional Medical Center. The residents were joined by physicians and program directors of the new program, which is designed to increase the number of primary care doctors in the community.

Chief Resident Mahmoud Farhoud said he took the challenge because “it’s all about ALS and letting people know about it. A lot of people are suffering.”

Dr. Aida Sanchez-Jimenez, chief medical officer at Osceola Regional, who serves as site director of graduate medical education, also took the challenge. “This is a way to create awareness of this disease and also create community awareness about our first class of residents,” she said. “And it’s just plain fun.”

Dr. German and the medical school have accepted the residents’ challenge and will be holding an Ice Bucket Challenge event Friday at 5 p.m. on the Tavistock Green. Stay tuned.

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