By Wendy Sarubbi | October 15, 2015 4:31 pm

UCF Health patients who are signed up for the practice’s patient portal can now get secure information on their iPhones and iPads.

The web-based portal provides an easy, secure way for patients to communicate with their physician and medical staff, view test results, order refill prescriptions and verify appointments. But to get that information, patients had to be in front of their computers. Now, thanks to a new, free app, patients with Apple mobile devices can access the portal anywhere, anytime.

The app is called HealtheLife. To use it, patients must first be signed up for UCF Health’s patient portal. Once they have a user name and password, they can sign up for the app and get their health information on their mobile device. To download the app, visit An Android version is in test and should be available in a matter of weeks.

Dr. Leonardo Oliveira, a sports medicine and internal medicine specialist at UCF Health, is director of quality and safety at the practice, where all doctors are faculty physicians at the UCF College of Medicine. He is an advocate of digital communication and electronic health records as a way to better communicate with patients and provide improved care. He said the portal allows patients to see their test results sooner, which reduces anxiety and improves communication. “They can see their results before they get to the office,” he said. “So they come with knowledge and questions. That makes their office visit more productive.”

While the portal has been popular with UCF Health patients, the new app allows them to communicate and get information 24/7. For example, if patients are running errands and remember they need a prescription refill, they can email UCF Health from their phone.

“The new app increases accessibility to healthcare information,” Dr. Oliveira said. “Right now everyone is on the go and they’re on their phones. This lets them communicate with the physician’s office wherever they are.”

Patients wishing to access the portal complete a simple application (name, email and signature) during their office visit, and then receive an email invitation to complete the registration process online. In just minutes, the personalized UCF Health patient portal is set up.

Contact UCF Health at 407-266-3627 (DOCS) or

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