By Wendy Sarubbi | May 18, 2015 4:08 pm

What kind of wine should you drink and how much should you consume to reap the health benefits? That’s just one of the questions Dr. Sampath Parthasarathy, the College of Medicine’s associate dean for research, addressed at a new MedTalk series in downtown Orlando May 13.

“Behind every one of our common lifestyle choices, there’s a story that needs to be told.  My goal is to help people live healthier lives so I hope this talk helped to achieve that,” said Dr. Parthasarathy who recommends one glass of red wine a day.

MedTalk is not your typical venue for research and medicine. Held at the Pour House, the series is designed to entertain and inform and bring together scientists, physicians, UCF alumni and friends. At MedTalk, you can grab a snack and a beer and learn about science and medicine.

The latest MedTalk event drew an eager crowd to hear about the protective heart benefits of wine and olive oil from Dr. Parthasarathy, who also holds the Florida Hospital Endowed Chair in Cardiovascular Sciences. Participants asked many questions – including how many glasses of wine to drink a day for optimum health. Dr. Parthasarathy’s recommendation: just one, because more than that just adds unnecessary sugar to the diet.

The MedTalk series is sponsored by FAIRWINDS Credit Union, “We’ve been involved with UCF and the College of Medicine since the beginning,” said Gary Capton, FAIRWINDS vice president of community affairs. “It’s a great way to bring interesting science information to our community.”

The next MedTalk is scheduled for June 17, and will feature Dr. Griffith Parks, director of the Burnett School of Biological Sciences who will answer questions about and debunk myths about vaccines and viruses in a lively interactive presentation.

The event is free but RSVPs are required. For more information or to RSVP, call Rachael Bacchus at 407 266 1043 or email her at

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