By Wendy Sarubbi | January 13, 2014 12:39 pm

Based on requests from UCF faculty and staff, the College of Medicine will continue providing weekly email health tips on topics ranging from workplace exercise to incorporating healthy eating into your holiday events.

The medical school began “50 Health Tips in 50 Weeks” to commemorate UCF’s 50th anniversary and will now continue the idea with Health Tips 2014. The tips arrive via email to UCF faculty and staff on Tuesdays from Dr. Deborah German, vice president for medical affairs and dean of the medical school and are archived on the College of Medicine website.

The tips are brought to the university by UCF Health, the College of Medicine physician practice, which offers primary and specialty care just blocks from the main UCF campus. UCF Health serves patients 16 and up across the community and includes physicians who specialize in internal medicine, geriatrics, cardiology, endocrinology, rheumatology, sports medicine, family medicine, nephrology and neurology. 2014 health tips will be sent to all UCF Health patients and will soon be available on the practice’s website at

If you have topics you would like covered in the tips or healthy lifestyle changes you would like to share, please email College of Medicine Communications Director Wendy Sarubbi at Here’s to a healthy 2014 and beyond.

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