By | October 1, 2010 12:00 am

Tired of medical school textbooks? Interested in finding new fun books to read? The College of Medicine’s Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library just started a “Leisure Reading Book Swap” that helps you share books with others.

The library staff asks that for every book you borrow, you leave a book behind. Please only donate fiction or non-fiction books; no textbooks, magazines, pamphlets or technical manuals.

Initial book offerings came as a gift from the family of Cynthia Kahn, the college’s former public services librarian, who passed away in June. Cynthia’s family donated about 70 of her books so they could be enjoyed by the College of Medicine team.

“We’re hoping to give everyone a break from the challenges of medical education,” said Public Services Librarian Shalu Gillum. “Grab a book for free, enjoy it and bring it back when you’re done.”

The library is using, an online social networking service, to catalog all donated fiction and non-fiction books. With the software, you can click on the book cover and get reviews, ratings and other suggested readings on a similar topic. You can access the books at

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