By Wendy Sarubbi | September 12, 2011 9:52 am

With a dunk tank, tug-of-war and Greek cheers, new M.D. students were welcomed to the UCF College of Medicine family at a recent Block Party.

As part of the students’ “Big Sibs” program, all 80 first-year students have a big brother or big sister from the class of 2014. That officially makes the second-year’s Big Sibs (from the charter class of 2013) grandparents. If this sounds like a family reunion, you get the Block Party theme. Medical student families – named after Greek gods and goddesses – formed a Pegasus Court whose lineage will continue through future College of Medicine classes. At the Block Party, families competed in field activities such as tug-of-war, relay-in-scrubs races and a dunk tank.

The Aphrodite family wore red heart capes during the field event competition. The Zeuses have their own “Z” hand sign. The Poseidons aced the kiddy pool contest.

The overall winner – the Hephaestus Family. They rule the Pegasus Court. For now.

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