By Wendy Sarubbi | February 17, 2016 12:05 pm

College of Medicine assistant dean and faculty member Dr. Diane Davis Davey was recently honored with a resolution from the American Board of Pathology (ABP) for her significant contributions to her specialty and to American medicine.

The board presented the resolution at its annual meeting in Tampa as Dr. Davey stepped down after 12 years on the organization’s Board of Trustees, including service as its president, vice president and secretary. The ABP certifies M.D.s in a variety of pathological specialties, promotes the field of pathology and the continuing competency of practicing pathologists. In her leadership with the ABP, Dr. Davey helped create maintenance of certification programs to ensure the ongoing competencies of pathologists after they have been certified.

In presenting the resolution, the ABP thanked Dr. Davey for her “years of faithful and dedicated service” to pathology, science, education and medicine and for conducting her duties with “industry, dispatch and grace.”

At UCF, Dr. Davey leads Graduate Medical Education, where she is involved in building new residency programs across Florida. She serves as interim chair of the Clinical Sciences Department and is a member of the college’s Enterprise as immediate past-president of the Faculty Council. As a professor of pathology, she teaches in several modules and is director of the first-year Hematology/Oncology module. She also works as a part-time pathologist at the Orlando VA Medical Center, where she specializes in cytopathology and hematopathology.

Dr. Davey says she selected pathology as her specialty because she is a visual person who loves problem-solving, laboratory science and the ability to partner with other physicians in finding the causes and treatments for disease. Her teaching goal is to inspire M.D. students in “the causes and diagnoses of diseases, and how diseases affect the body functions.”

In recognition of her ABP honor, Dr. Davey was also one of three College of Medicine faculty leaders to be recognized at the last UCF Board of Trustees meeting. The other two were Drs. Marcy Verduin and Jonathan Kibble for their recent awards at the Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting.

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