By Wendy Sarubbi | August 6, 2015 3:17 pm

The adage “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” is often used to describe the differences between the sexes both in the workplace and in personal relationships. The latest Diversity Lunch and Learn explored those differences with Gender Intelligence® facilitator John Fayad.

Gender Intelligence® is a training organization that helps businesses achieve more inclusive leadership within the workplace. Fayad works with corporations across the country to deliver this training, and spent July 28 at UCF College of Medicine to speak about gender inclusiveness at work. “It’s not about fixing women to behave as men, or fixing men to behave less as themselves,” Fayad told faculty and staff members. “It’s about finding the authenticity in one another, and the value in our differences.”

During the session, Fayad explained how more than 45 percent of companies surveyed by his group have “no interest” in gender inclusion or diversity in the workplace, a major obstacle to overcome, considering the advancements of women in the workforce and in education. He noted that women recently surpassed men in earning Ph.D. degrees for the first time in history.

Through his training, Fayad helps managers to create a workplace that values multiple points of view and ways of thinking. Fayad said men tend to approach situations with “tunnel vision” looking for the most direct way to move from Point A to Point B. Women, on the other hand, will consider every potential obstacle and challenge along that path before making a decision, he said. While the approaches are different, both can work together to make more well-rounded decisions. “If we can find the complement, we can be far more successful, creative, innovative and productive,” he said. “Not only that, but we can find more happiness in our personal and professional lives.”

The Lunch and Learn sessions are organized by the College of Medicine’s Council for Diversity and Inclusion, in conjunction with the Central Florida Diversity Learning Series. All faculty, staff and students are invoted. Those who attend four of the six sessions have the opportunity to earn a Diversity Champion Certificate.

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