By Wendy Sarubbi | June 24, 2011 1:27 pm

The College of Medicine’s charter class began its second rotation of clerkships in hospitals and clinics around Central Florida this week. And the training for third-year students continues to highlight the college’s teamwork.

“It’s been a massive undertaking because the students are located in so many different places,” said Margaret Orr, clerkship coordinator. “We want to be sure that even though the students aren’t physically here, they have everything they need.”

“Everything” includes schedules, facilities, access to hospitals, certified testing sites, educational technology and learning management software.

At the end of their first six-week rotation, for example, students in the Obstetrics-Gynecology, Neurology, Pediatrics and Psychiatry clerkships took the National Board of Medical Examiners subject exams on the web, rather than with paper and pencil. There is a separate exam for each clerkship topic, and the college had to ensure the web testing location met national standards for security.

The College of Medicine team created new individual schedules for the students, organized student security access at healthcare facilities, developed site orientations, set up classrooms and offices for faculty members and preceptors, and created new class sessions in Blackboard. The college also installed and implemented another software package called Oasis, which allows students, preceptors and faculty to evaluate each other, keeps track of student hours and enables students to track all of their clerkship experiences so they receive the required training for each rotation.

“The clerkships are going really well,” Margaret said. “And that’s because of the entire team.”

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