By Wendy Sarubbi | May 13, 2011 1:46 pm

College of Medicine M.D. students began their third-year clerkships this week and are working in specialties including neurology, pediatrics, surgery, psychiatry, internal and family medicine and obstetrics and gynecology.

The first two weeks of clerkships take the now M-3 students to a variety of community settings, including the Transplant Surgery Unit at Florida Hospital, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Osceola Regional Medical Center and the Orlando VA Medical Center.

“We are excited as the UCF College of Medicine’s charter class takes its next big step. By working with our partners in the community, our medical students gain invaluable day-to-day experience that will help them become healthcare leaders of tomorrow,” said Dr. Deborah German, vice president of medical affairs and dean of the UCF College of Medicine.

UCF’s medical students spend most of their third and fourth years of medical school in hospital rotations, where they study foundation areas as well as taking electives. This partnership between community health-care providers and the College of Medicine helps the doctors-in-training gain experience in a variety of medical fields as they look to determine the area of specialty they will pursue.

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