By Wendy Sarubbi | February 8, 2016 2:06 pm

College of Medicine Facilities Scheduler Chip Youngblood is UCF’s November USPS Employee of the Month, and will be one of just 12 employees eligible to win the UCF USPS Employee of the Year for fiscal year 2016.  The university has more than 1,600 USPS employees.

Recently, Beth Scheitzach, Organizational Development & Training manager, presented Youngblood with a certificate, gift card and a monetary award for his recognition. College of Medicine colleagues attended the celebration.

Youngblood has received College of Medicine honors as Medical Education USPS Employee of the Year and also earned overall College of Medicine Staff Member of the Year. He often arrives early and is the last to leave to ensure that internal and public events at the medical school go smoothly. He also coordinates housing for medical students doing rotations at the Bay Pines V.A. Hospital in St. Petersburg.

As Dr. Deborah German, vice president for medical affairs and dean has said, “No matter how crazy the logistics or the crowds get, he maintains a calm, cheerful approach.”


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