By Wendy Sarubbi | August 21, 2015 3:23 pm

Basma Selim, Ph.D., a founding staff member at the College of Medicine who helped lead the new college’s strategic planning, assessment and accreditation efforts, has been promoted to assistant dean for planning and knowledge management.

Dr. Selim earned her doctorate and M.S. degrees in industrial engineering from UCF after graduating from the American University in Cairo, Egypt with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

She joined the medical school in 2007 – a year after its approval – and held a variety of leadership positions in accreditation, planning and assessment. For the past two years she has served as executive director of planning and knowledge management, director of analysis, planning and accreditation, and director of assessment.

She directed this year’s 2015-2020 strategic plan and will be charged with fostering its implementation. She oversees educational technology, assessment, knowledge management, data collection and assessment at the medical school.

Before coming to UCF’s new M.D. program, Dr. Selim held planning, evaluation and accreditation positions at UCF. She also serves as a UCF adjunct professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems.

“The assistant dean position recognizes Dr. Selim’s leadership in planning, analysis and evaluation of everything we do at the College of Medicine,” said Dr. Richard Peppler, associate dean for faculty and academic affairs. “As our young medical school grows in all its missions – education, research and patient care — it is imperative we have leaders like Basma who can analyze our results, evaluate our progress and help drive us to future success.”


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