Academic Half-Day

We replaced the traditional noon conferences by combining our didactic and core-curriculum teaching sessions with one academic half-day held on Thursdays. We let our residents free of their clinical duties at noon and they spend their entire afternoon in core curriculum teaching. This maximizes their learning and avoids interruptions due to clinical responsibilities.

Morning Report

We have an outstanding morning report facilitated by our Program Director, Associate Program Directors, Chief Residents and teaching faculty on all days except Thursday. We generate a follow-up clinical question for our learners based on the day’s discussion and provide follow-up teaching slides that are one of the best highlights of our morning report.

M&M Meetings

Once a month, we organize morbidity and mortality meetings. The purpose is to learn from complications and errors, to modify behavior and judgment based on previous experiences and to prevent repetition of errors. The focus of these meetings is improved patient care. Several long lasting changes have been implemented in the hospitals as a result of M&M presentations and discussions.

Journal Club

We hold a monthly journal club where our residents learn to perform critical evaluation of academic and research articles involving basic and clinical research. We designed our Journal Club based on JAMA Evidence-Based Medicine articles. We are constantly updating our journal club format based on resident feedback.

Board Review Sessions

Chiefs and faculty organize board reviews every week by the end of the academic year, to help residents prepare for board exams. We also do problem-based board questions in morning report.

Resident as a Teacher

Our residents and faculty actively participate in teaching medical students during their clinical rotations. Chiefs also run hourly teaching sessions for medical students weekly. Weekly residents on electives are tasked to give a chalk talk to medical students

Pharmacy & Dietary Lectures

We have developed a schedule for pharmacy and dietary lectures monthly and it is an exciting new learning experience. The goal is to empower our residents with clinical pharmacology information that is organized by Chiefs, faculty and our pharmacists along with obtaining information on dietary guidelines for the patients admitted.

Pharmacy Teaching Rounds

We have also initiated pharmacy teaching rounds during ward rounds. The purpose is to do small teaching sessions and application of clinical pharmacology during medicine rounds.

Simulation Center

We have developed a simulation curriculum which allows residents to practice procedures such as central lines, paracentesis, thoracentesis, intubation etc. to develop their skills. We also run mock code blues, rapid responses, clinical scenarios and more.

Online Library Access

Our residents have access to a vast majority of online journals and books through our UCF College of Medicine’s Health Sciences library, which is 98 percent digital. The library provides residents with assistance and support in their academic studies and research. While at Osceola HCA also provides the residents and students with online library. While at the Orlando VA Medical Center we have access to multiple journals and library access.