Current Studies

SHARE Program
The aim to of the study is to establish a youth-focused, learning health community focused on promoting health equity among underserved youth populations in Florida through community-driven partnerships, research, discovery, and innovation.

Technology-based assessments and intervention to reduce alcohol consumption and improve HIV viral suppression in the Florida Cohort
The overall aim of this study is to advance HIV research related to “treatment as prevention” by enhancing our understanding of how alcohol, together with multilevel syndemic factors, impacts ART adherence and viral suppression among diverse populations of people with HIV.

The Effects of Long COVID on Mental Health and Cognitive Functioning in Women in Andalusia Spain
The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of cognitive dysfunction among women who report Long COVID, and to examine whether significant differences are found by demographic characteristics and COVID-19 severity.
Previous Studies
Identifying key factors in the use of marijuana in older women
The main objective was to evaluate the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of women towards the use of cannabis and CBD products and identify the perceived benefits and risks associated with marijuana and CBD products.
The effects of COVID-19 among University Students in Latin America and Spain
The overall objective was to examine the associations between multi-level sociocultural risk and protective factors and attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards COVID-19 mitigations efforts among university students.
Optimizing PrEP utilization among alcohol and other drug (AOD) using women of color
The overall objective was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about PrEP among Black and Latina women with and without a history of intimate partner violence who are at risk for HIV.
Effects of Childhood Abuse on Emotion and Cognition and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Alcohol Using Women of Color at Risk for HIV.
The objective of the study was to determine whether emotional regulation and executive functioning exert a mediation effect in the relationship between childhood abuse and adult risk behaviors
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