All team members should follow these procedures! Please go over these procedures and let Dr. Julia or your mentor know if you need any clarifications. 

In addition, complete all tasks below

  1. Complete the forms before you start working or volunteering in our lab.
  2. Go over the lab ethics: provide your weekly hours to Dr. Julia. These hours are displayed in the lab so our team can better manage the projects. You should respect the hours. If you cannot be present at your workstation during your hours due to some issue (even if you work remotely) then notify Dr. Julia ASAP. If you need to change your hours for a certain week, email the updated schedule to Dr. Julia. It is expected that you are available via emails at any moment during your working hours. Make sure you get notifications from Outlook and respond to the emails ASAP. We manage several projects with different deadlines and expect that you value our team’s time and efforts, and practice responsible work ethics.  
  3. Read papers authored by our students:
  4. Go over these statistical methods, we use them commonly:
  5. Complete the Basic SAS Course
  6. Go over the information on how to write a literature review:
  7. Review the key steps of student’s research project using this example of the key steps for analysis of categorical outcomes
  8. Ask Dr. Julia or your lab mentor to create a folder for your project(s) on One Drive (this is the cloud space used by our team), please keep all lab-related files in the folder(s) and work directly on the files through One Drive. Do not delete any files, save all copies!! If you are making any changes to the existing file, save it as a new file.
  9. If you are working on a poster presentation, go over the poster requirements
  10. Please join the American Statistical Association. We cover the membership dues for all team members.

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties then let Dr. Julia or your lab mentor know.