Generous donations from the Chapman Foundation have allowed wellness initiatives to sprout under the guidance of Dr. Daly at the UCF College of Medicine!

Smiles are blooming at the UCF COMmunity garden
The COM Community Garden is the most recent wellness initiative and includes numerous raised beds with fresh produce planted by the students including eggplant, blueberries, strawberries, fresh herbs, pumpkin etc. The garden is planted, harvested and watered by students. “Mindful Monday” is a weekly series designed to encourage students to come together to meditate and garden.
“Stress Kits” and “Sleep Kits” are provided to M-1 and M-2 students and include items to encourage engagement in healthy stress management and wellness. Examples include tips for thriving in medical school, sleep masks, ear plugs, a stress ball, herbal tea, and engraved blankets to use in the medical school’s energy napping pods.
Personalized biofeedback devices are available and can be used in tandem with guided relaxation and mindful techniques teaching students to be aware of their physiological response to stress and gain control over their autonomic response and heart rate variability.