About Us
Neuroscience Alliance is a Student Organization with a mission to promote awareness, research and volunteer opportunities in neuroscience at The University of Central Florida. By encouraging professional relations between students and faculty, students will be provided with opportunities and exposure in current research, potential career paths, and provided with advice and information for a future career in neuroscience. We explore activities and projects related to neuroscience within any area such as medicine, philosophy, psychology, biotechnology, psychiatry, computer science, chemistry, cognitive science, linguistics, mathematics, engineering, and physics.
What we do
- Present Research Posters and volunteer for Symposia such as
- The March 2019 Brain Awareness Symposium
- The November 2019 Neuroscience Division Retreat
- Shadowing Opportunities at
- The Brain Plasticity Centersfor
- Conductive Education Center of Orlandofor motor rehabilitation
- Have Guest Speakers who are neuroscience professionals
- Volunteering to teach Neuroscience
- To local High schools Preparing for the Brain Bee
- To K-12 students at UCF’s STEM Day every Semester
- Participate in outreach events like the MS Walk, Alzheimer’s Walk, etc.
- Semesterly MDNA Social Networking Party with UCF Neuroscience Professors including Dr. Sugaya, Dr. Samsam, Dr. Southwell and more.
- Graduate School, Med school, and resume workshops tailored to Neuroscience

We are in the news! Check out these articles: http://www.nicholsonstudentmedia.com/life/ucf-neuroscience-alliance-helps-mentor-the-future-minds-of-stem/article_d57080c4-f746-11e9-8dbf-db16997fb72a.html

Get Involved

Undergrad, Grad, or Medical Student?
Join Neuroscience Alliance and get involved in activities. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Knight Connect and our own Website
Website: https://www.neuroallianceucf.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/neuroallianceucf/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neuroallianceucf/?hl=en
Knight Connect: https://knightconnect.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/neuroscienceallianceatucf

Teacher or Highschool Student Looking to join the Brain Bee?
Send our Brain Bee Director Ernesto Navarro an Email at Neurosciencealliance@gmail.com orernesto.navarrogarcia@ucf.edu

Professor, Doctor, or Professional?
We are always looking to broaden our horizons and have neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, neurooncologists, psychologists and more come speak to our students about the work they do in the field of neuroscience. If you are interested in giving a talk, hosting a workshop, having students shadow, advertising internship opportunities, or anything else email us at: