Completed Research Support:

NIH R01-DK094900                                   Andl (PI)         07/01/12-06/30/2017

Title: The role of Activin A signaling in esophageal cell invasion

Role: PI


College of Medicine Internal Awards Program  Andl (PI)   01/01/17-12/31/2017

Title: Activin-induced cytokine signature in esophageal inflammation and invasion


NIH R03-DK091491                                  Andl (PI)         08/01/12-07/30/2014

Title: Mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal crosstalk during esophageal cell invasion

Role: PI


NIH KO1-DK075379                      Andl (PI)         07/01/07-06/30/2012

Title: E-cadherin regulates TGFRII biology and function.

Role: PI


DDRC Pilot Program DK058404   Andl (PI)       07/01/09-05/31/11

Title: A mouse model of tissue-specific E-cadherin and TGF-β receptor II loss in the esophagus


AGA Research Scholar Award      Andl (PI)         07/01/06- 06/30/10

Title: Interaction of E-cadherin and TGF-β receptor II modulates cancer migration and invasion.


NIH Kirschstein-NRSA F32-CA108657 Andl (PI/Trainee)      07/01/05-6/30/06

Title: E-cadherin biology in cell migration and invasion.